During my learning achievement goals I have really improved on not being shy while presenting any projects in front of your class. I think I need to work on more of the drawing realistically but on the bright side I have gotten really close to running a 7:30 mile time. Now instead of learning a song on the guitar I would rather learn one on the ukulele.On my map testing I only improved by 2 points and need to improve more on the information text. I think I should reach a goal of 222 or more to really improve.
I have really improved in my short term goals as in doing my bed when I wake up but If you ask me about doing my homework when I get it, that would be a whole different story, here I am doing this at 8:00 pm and this is due today. I really want to concertrate on drawing realistice drawings because in the future I imagine myself maybe being a fashion designer or something like that. I have learned in the past 3 months that when it comes the talking to someone that I don't really know or that I know but haven't exactly talked to them in a long time I tend to be very confident in my head but when it comes to physically talking to them I think you would probaly not want to see it.
AuthorHello my name is Alondra and my passion is in drawing. Drawing is one of my main Passions but I have many more that includes Sewing, Singing, playing the ukulele, and just any D.I.Y.s. Aka (do it yourself). |